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A Magnificent Slumber

“A Magnificent Slumber,” Oil on gessoboard, 6″x6″ by Gina Matarazzo

Finished this up for IX10 for next week! Do you remember the drawing time lapse from several weeks ago?

It’s hard to tell if this little dragon’s dreams rival his reality. But if you believe the myth…

“Dragons steal gold and jewels, you know, from men and elves and dwarves, wherever they can find them; and they guard their plunder as long as they live (which is practically forever, unless they are killed)…”

– Thorin Oakenshield in “The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien

Now Thorin goes on to say that they don’t really enjoy their hoard of gold really, but I think this tiny fellow is doing a good job of it. And he has an ample life with which to practice his joy. 😉

I’m so glad I finally had a reason and the time to do this little scene. He’s all framed and packed up and ready to go.

Still have to mat up some new drawings and do some miscellaneous prep for the show, but I’m almost ready! Can’t wait! Wish me luck!